1. The annual fee for membership in the Merrickville Agricultural Society (MAS) is $10.00 for persons 18 years and older and must be paid with class entry.
2. Entries are accepted through AssistExpo or on M.A.S. forms only (one form per exhibitor).
3. The Directors will do their utmost to procure the most competent judges in each of the classes. If an exhibitor is dissatisfied with any decision of such judges, they must immediately enter a written protest with the Secretary against such decision. The Directors shall inquire into the written protest at once and their decision shall be final.
4. No persons will be allowed to interfere with the judges while judging is in progress.​
5. A lone entry in a class/section need not necessarily be awarded a prize.
6. Livestock and all articles for competition must be entered in the name of the owner.
Failure to observe this rule will result in either forfeiture of an awarded prize or in no prize being awarded at all.
7. All persons obtaining prizes fraudulently shall forfeit all goods or monies awarded.
8. Adult prizes will be awarded after the close of the fair (usually within two months). If receipts are insufficient to meet the prize list in full, the prizes will be paid pro-rated as funds permit.
9. Children’s prizes, where possible, are awarded at the conclusion of the fair on Sunday.
10. All exhibitors are expected to conform to safety standards while on the grounds and may be asked to leave if endangering the safety and well-being of any person or livestock.
Fair Book
Children's Fun Horse Show Classes
Rescheduled to Saturday Sept 14/24
Saturday Canadian Horse Show Classes (English French)
Sunday Draft & Mini Horse Show Classes
Truck Pull Rules ~ Friday Night
Children's Pedal Tractor Rules ~ Saturday

1. Only one entry per section is allowed by an exhibitor.
2. All articles must be the work of the exhibitor and can be exhibited no more than two years at this fair. Soiled and worn articles will not be accepted for judging.
3. All agricultural or horticultural produce entered for competition must actually be raised or grown by the exhibitor. Any persons exhibiting in Classes, Grains or Vegetables must live within a 75km radius of Merrickville.
4. The exhibition building will be open from 7:00pm to 9:00pm Thursday August 8th, 2024 and from 7:30am to 8:30am Friday August 9th, 2024 for receiving of articles to be judged. Doors will be closed to the public at 8:45am Friday.
5. Judging will commence on exhibits at 9:00am Friday August 9th, 2024. No persons other than the managers and judges will be allowed in the hall until judging is complete.
6. After judging has begun no more entries shall be received and no entries can be moved to other sections. No Fair Director has the power to authorize the Secretary to mark or change any entry form or tag.
7. The Directors will take every precaution to ensure the safety of the articles exhibited during the time that the Fair is in progress. It must be understood that the owner accepts all risk in entering any article and if any article is accidentally damaged, lost or stolen, the MAS and its Directors will not make any payment for the value thereof.
8. Items selected for exhibit beyond Merrickville Fair, at the District or Provincial level are exhibited at the owner's risk and MAS takes no responsibility for loss or damage of these articles.
9. Hall exhibits can only be removed from the building on Sunday August 11th, 2024 between 3:00pm and 4:00pm. The Directors do not take responsibility for items left after that time.